6 Similar Profiles
Similarity is based on overlapping concepts in the fingerprints, and shared work and organisational affiliations of Suresh Pillai with the persons below:
Akinlolu Akande, SFHEA
- Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE) - Principal Investigator
Person: Lecturer, Principal Investigator
John Bartlett
- Sligo Research Office - Head of Research
- Contract Research Unit (CRU) - Centre Leader
Person: Head of Research, Other
Ehiaze Augustine Ehimen
- Sligo Research Office - Senior Research Fellow in Renewable Energy Systems
Person: Research Fellow
Gerard Mc Granaghan
- Department of Mechanical & Manufacturing Engineering - Lecturer
- Mathematical Modelling and Intelligent Systems for Health and Environment (MISHE) - Principal Investigator
- Nanotechnology & Bioengineering Research Group - Principal Investigator
- Precision Engineering Materials and Manufacturing Research Centre (PEM Research Centre ) - Principal Investigator
Person: Lecturer, Principal Investigator
Denis McCrudden
- Department of Life & Physical Sciences - Lecturer in Analytical Science
Person: Lecturer