A comparison of selected quality characteristics of yoghurts prepared from thermosonicated and conventionally heated milks

Joerg Riener, Francesco Noci, Denis A. Cronin, Desmond J. Morgan, James G. Lyng

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

93 Citations (Scopus)


Thermosonication (TS) of preheated (45 °C) milk (0.1%, 1.5% and 3.5% fat) for 10 min at an ultrasound frequency of 24 kHz allowed the preparation of yoghurts with rheological properties superior to those of control yoghurts produced from conventionally heated milk (90 °C for 10 min). Texture profile analysis and flow curves showed that yoghurts from the TS milks had stronger gel structures which displayed higher water-holding capacities (WHC) and lower syneresis. Based on averaged data from a sensory panel (n = 30), TS yoghurts showed superior texture and colour properties and samples with a fat content of 0.1% scored best in terms of overall acceptability. Retentions of water-soluble (thiamine and riboflavin) and fat-soluble (retinol and tocopherol) vitamins were similar in TS and conventionally prepared yoghurts.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1108-1113
Number of pages6
JournalFood Chemistry
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2010
Externally publishedYes


  • Sensory
  • Syneresis
  • Thermosonication
  • Viscosity
  • Vitamins
  • Water-holding capacity
  • Yoghurt


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