A review of renewable energy resources in Nigeria for climate change mitigation

David O. Obada, Mamuda Muhammad, Salihu B. Tajiri, Mkpe O. Kekung, Simeon A. Abolade, Shittu B. Akinpelu, Akinlolu Akande

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


The reality of climate change is a fact that cannot be disputed. Its impact is felt globally on nature and humans. Drought, flooding, delayed or excessive rainfall, extreme heat conditions, rising sea levels, hurricanes, etc., have been linked to global warming and climate change. Anthropogenic activities, especially in energy exploitation, are a major source of greenhouse gases (GHGs) driving climate change. As such, to combat climate change, continued energy sourcing from fossil fuels with the emission of greenhouse gases must be replaced by cleaner renewable energy (RE) options. Climate change and its effects are a global phenomenon and require concerted effort by all nations to combat. Nigeria is one of the countries most affected by climate change given frequent floodings and other climate change related problems. Also, Nigeria is a signatory to the Paris Climate Accord. However, the country is facing severe electricity shortages necessitating increased use of fossil fuels. How can Nigeria meet its commitment to climate change mitigation and the energy need in the country? This paper reviews the current energy situation in Nigeria, the Nigerian RE program, the RE resources in Nigeria, climate change mitigation initiatives, the challenges of RE technologies in Nigeria, and proposes the way forward. The study identifies RE potentials like wind, biomass, hydro, and solar technologies, and how they could be harnessed for climate change mitigation. Increasing the use of such energy resources in Nigeria will drastically cut down emissions of carbon dioxide, and in that way, stem climate change. In conclusion, the paper enumerates recommendations to conserve the present energy generated in the country using energy-efficient products and practices.

Original languageEnglish
Article number100669
JournalCase Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2024


  • Carbon emission reduction
  • Clean energy initiatives
  • Climate change mitigation
  • Energy transition
  • Green technologies
  • Policy framework
  • Renewable energy
  • Sustainable development


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