Antimicrobial activity of submicron glass fibres incorporated as a filler to a dental sealer

L. Esteban-Tejeda, B. Cabal, R. Torrecillas, C. Prado, E. Fernandez-Garcia, R. López-Piriz, F. Quintero, J. Pou, J. Penide, J. S. Moya

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Two types of antimicrobial glass fibers containing ZnO and CaO, with diameters ranging from tens of nanometers to 1 m, were successfully fabricated by a laser spinning technique. The antimicrobial performance was corroborated according to ISO 20743:2013, by using gram-negative (Escherichia coli) and gram-positive (Streptococcus oralis, Streptococcus mutans and Staphylococcus aureus) bacteria, and yeast (Candida krusei) (more than 3 logs of reduction). The metabolic activity and endosomal system of eukaryotic cells were not altered by using eluents of CaO glass submicrometric fibers and ZnO fibers at 1 : 10 dilution as cellular media (viability rates over 70%). A dental material was functionalized by embedding ZnO nanofibers above the percolation threshold (20% wt), creating a three-dimensional (3D) fiber network that added an antimicrobial profile. This new ZnO glass fiber composite is proved non-cytotoxic and preserved the antimicrobial effect after immersion in human saliva. This is the first time that a fiber-reinforced liner with strong antimicrobial-activity has been created to prevent secondary caries. The potential of developing new fiber-reinforced composites (FRCs) with antimicrobial properties opens up an extensive field of dental applications where most important diseases have an infectious origin.

Original languageEnglish
Article number045014
JournalBiomedical Materials (Bristol)
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 10 Aug 2016
Externally publishedYes


  • Antimicrobial fiber
  • Biocompatible fiber
  • Glassy fiber
  • Submicron fibers
  • ZNO fiber


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