Assessing watercourse quality using results-based indicators in an agri-environment scheme

Poppy Overy, James Moran, Patrick Crushell, Heather Lally, Dolores Byrne

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Small watercourses are essential contributors to catchment water quality, but they continue to suffer degradation across Europe. A results-based agri-environment scheme, aimed at improving watercourse quality in Ireland, developed a rapid drainage assessment to identify point source risks. The assessment uses a scoring system based on visual indicators of nutrient and sediment risk, linking the outcomes to farmer payments. To understand how this novel drainage risk assessment relates to instream watercourse quality, we used three macroinvertebrate-based biotic indices (Q-value, Small Stream Impact Score and Proportion of Sediment Sensitive Invertebrates). Macroinvertebrate kick-sampling and physiochemical analysis were completed in May and July 2021 for 12 ‘At Risk’ and 12 ‘Not at Risk’ small watercourses as identified by the results-based scheme. Results show that the scheme's drainage risk assessment can identify point source risks but we found it does not directly reflect local instream quality as assessed by the biotic indices. Unexpectedly, the biotic indices showed watercourse degradation in 58% of the upstream (control) sampling points, indicating impacts not captured by the drainage risk assessment. Small watercourses displayed high heterogeneity, with significant species turnover between the sampling months. The Small Stream Impact Score was less influenced by temporal change than the Q-value index. There was a significant relationship between instream watercourse quality and sedimentation, as quantified by the Proportion of Sediment Sensitive Invertebrates. Including a measurement of instream sedimentation in the drainage assessments would improve the identification of risks and management. These results show that by linking farmer payments to the drainage risk assessments results-based payment schemes could positively contribute to improving catchment scale watercourse quality, but further work is required to capture wider sources of freshwater impacts.

Original languageEnglish
Article number120716
JournalJournal of Environmental Management
Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024


  • Catchment management
  • Drainage risk assessment
  • Macroinvertebrates
  • Results-based payments
  • Sediment
  • Water quality


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