Gain enhanced pattern reconfigurable planar yagi-uda antenna on coplanar structure

S. Raman, N. Timmons, J. Morrison

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20 Citations (Scopus)


A gain enhanced planar Yagi-Uda antenna with pattern reconfiguration is presented. The prototype provides an omnidirectional pattern as well as a high-gain directive pattern, which can be reconfigured on two orthogonal planes. For the first time, the principle of a Yagi-Uda antenna combined with pattern reconfiguration is implemented without complexity on a planar prototype. The pattern reconfiguration is achieved by alternately switching the driven and reflector elements of the Yagi-Uda antenna. The prototype concept was simulated using CST Microwave Studio, fabricated on a substrate of dielectric constant 4.4 and tested using an R&S ZVB8 network analyser. The gain variation with the reflector and director parameters is also analysed and presented.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1593-1595
Number of pages3
JournalElectronics Letters
Issue number25
Publication statusPublished - 5 Dec 2013


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