Multiple compound Tamm waves with Uller-Zenneck wave characteristics guided by dissipative dielectric defect in periodic multilayered isotropic dielectric material

Muhammad Danyal, Husnul Maab, Arbab Abdur Rahim, Muhammad Mahmood Ali

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A canonical problem configured in three different arrangements of periodic multilayered isotropic dielectric material layers with a dissipative dielectric defect, to guide multiple compound Tamm waves with Uller-Zenneck wave characteristics, was formulated and solved. The numerical solutions showed multiple Tamm waves guided at a fixed wavelength along the dissipative defect with same polarization state. These waves propagate with different phase speeds, different propagation distances, different field localizations, and different field profiles. The results identified excitation of symmetric and anti-symmetric solutions of p-polarized Tamm waves and p- and s-polarized waveguide modes. The high phase speed solutions ceased to exist beyond a certain limit of dissipative dielectric defect thickness, but the low phase speed solutions were computed for a wide range of dissipative dielectric defect thickness. The Tamm waves were compounded when the thickness of defect is very small and transmuted into waveguide modes for increasing thickness of dissipative dielectric defect because most of the energy is then strongly confined to the dissipative dielectric defect. The excitation of multiple Tamm waves and waveguide modes at a given dissipative dielectric defect thickness and fixed wavelength can be considered for multi-channel optical communication and sensing applications.

Original languageEnglish
Article number055003
JournalJournal of Optics (United Kingdom)
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 17 Apr 2019
Externally publishedYes


  • SPP waves
  • Tamm waves
  • periodic materials
  • surface electromagnetic waves
  • waveguide modes


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