Sloping beach with wave breaking and moving shoreline on Romanian Black Sea coast

F. V. Panaitescu, M. Panaitescu, I. A. Anton

Research output: Contribution to journalConference articlepeer-review


Purpose of the work: wave breaking and wave run-up on a gently sloping plane beach from Romanian Black Sea Coast. That coast has a length of 244 km and an almost linear configuration with the exception of build-up areas. The paper concentrates on shoaling of regular waves and spilling type of wave breaking running with a simulation on software MIKE 21. Research and methodology: the paper contents the measurements for spilling and plunging type of breakers on a plane sloping beach with a slope of 1/45 starting in depth of 0.23 m to 0.46 m. A moving shoreline is included in the simulations. With respect to the parameters of the breaker model the standard values are applied. An explicit filter is introduced near the still water shoreline to remove short-wave instabilities and to dissipate the wave energy in the model. Results: the obtained values indicate the wave breaking and wave run-up processes, the spatial variation of a number of phase-averaged quantities and the shoreline motion converted intro a vertical and a horizontal displacement.

Original languageEnglish
Article number082012
JournalIOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Issue number8
Publication statusPublished - 23 Aug 2016
Externally publishedYes
Event4th International Conference on Modern Technologies in Industrial Engineering, ModTech 2016 - Iasi, Romania
Duration: 15 Jun 201618 Jun 2016


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